Fabulous Fluorite

Fabulous Fluorite

Just look at these stripey fluorite beauties – they’re finally finished AND listed on our website!

We’re in love with the bands of colour and texture in these stunning fluorite stones. They’ve been framed in a gorgeous handmade silver setting. A real labour of love, all topped off with our signature handmade textured hooks. Overall, they just made us say WOW (out loud)!

Disco Earrings
Disco Earrings

Started waaaay back, and picked up again during lockdown in 2020 – these earrings have been an ongoing project. For some reason we just couldn’t get on with them. But now these babies are finished and ready to go to their forever home. Do you have space for some fluorite babies in your life?

Fluorite is reputed to help clear mental fog and improving balance and co-ordination, both physically and mentally.

A Taste of Spring

A Taste of Spring

A Taste of Spring by Athene Sholl 
The rain and hail has finally stopped, possibly just for a few hours – who knows? We even saw just a hint of a pink sunset last night. And the birds tweeted, very very faintly – just for a short while. Spring is on the way…
It really did feel like a sign that light was at the end of the tunnel. But of course we have still have 2 more loooooong weeks of January to get through yet. And then February – sigh. And then the weather will be up and down a million times, teasing us with hints of light and warmth. Then will come the fool’s spring, when cardigans will be cast aside, and sweaters packed away, in false hope, before winter descends again, like a shroud. To catch us all out. Then come the spring coughs and colds as the lymph changes direction and makes us all feel wrong. Rinse and repeat throughout March, and then suddenly – there we are in actual real live spring, birds singing, sun on our faces, clocks changing and we really feel alive again.
But we don’t have to wait until then – grab a slice of spring from our necklace selection. These gorgeous pieces were on display at the Coach House Gallery – and due to the gallery closing this week, (another sigh) we’ve got them lined up in the studio for you, Just when we all need a boost. Ping us a message if one takes your fancy
Athene xxx

Prison Pink / Baby Pink

As a child I really hated this colour, brought up as I was in a family that embraced the concept of feminism. When we grew up we were told we could do and be anything we wanted, I was a tomboy most of the time and I thought pink was for girls – and Barbie dolls, urghhh. Although Sindy was somehow a bit more gung- ho, mine had curly hair and most definitely did not have a pink wardrobe, or a boyfriend, let alone one called Ken. Independent and gutsy, pink was not for her.

As I’ve grown older and now have a daughter of my own I’ve finally been able to appreciate pink as a colour. It’s pretty, it’s uplifting and somehow simultaneously calming. It lights up the face and skin. My daughter was dressed in many colours as a baby, but never pink, but now she’s old enough to have a say, she regularly wears it from head to toe. I thought I would be horrified, but strangely I’m not.


Maybe that’s because I’ve managed to re-brand it in my head as Prison Pink – given it an edge, made it feel punk and cool. Now that I’ve managed to sell it to myself I love it. I first heard about prison pink a few years ago, and thought the concept was great – calm aggression with a spot of pastel décor, what a fantastic idea. And apparently it works, although small boys might baulk at the thought, those detained at her Madge’s pleasure don’t have a say, and they most definitely benefit from it as a result.


So does a necklace in prison pink have a calming effect? Could you wear it for exams? In interviews? On the plane? I’ve always thought most of the women I know are way too intellectual to wear pink – to want or need to be pretty rather than appear clever. We don’t need this colour, this badge of girliness. But it can also be so much more, as I explore colour theory, I find pink and other pastel colours too (Seriously? Pastels? Urghh!) speaking to me, calming and soothing me. They bring a strange feeling of peace and relaxation, that spreads across my chest from my hearstspace and gives me that internal “Ahhhhhhh”. Perhaps it’s not about the pretty, it’s about the feeling it gives, or maybe that’s what pretty was all along and I just missed the memo? Perhaps I’m just more comfortable in myself and I’ve outgrown the connotations that pink held in the past?

Who’d have thought it?

Lavastone and Rose Quartz Necklace
Rose Quartz, freshwater pearls and lavastone (pumice), handmade sterling silver clasp. Approx length 19.5″

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