Stone Information

Stone Guides

Birthstone Guide

Amethyst Silver Circle Pendant

Don’t know what the birthstone is for an upcoming birthday? We have a list of all the birthstones and their properties.

Stone Properties Guide

Silver Disco Dangle Earrings with Emerald

Looking for gift ideas or a treat for your self? Find some inspiration from our guide to the properties of our best selling stones.

Anniversary Stone Guide

Ruby and Opal Heart Chandelier Earrings

Not sure what stones link to the different anniversaries? We have a list of all of the stones linked to major milestones.

What is a semi-precious stone?


A semi-precious stone is any mineral gemstone that is not one of the four precious stones.  For example, amethyst, rose quartz, aquamarine etc…

We love the wide range of colour and texture found in these stones and love to use them in our jewellery.

What is a precious stone?


There are four stones that are considered to be precious these are: diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires.

They are considered to be the most in demand and expensive stones. We love all four, especially in their raw state, when they are most interesting. 

Raw Diamond and Textured Silver Circle Earrings