Ok, I get it…I get it, finally! You’re not a colour, you’re all of them. Like white light – the very presence of colour.
Always there, an amalgam of everything.
White – Shining, clean, clear, aloof sometimes, but that’s good – maybe being at a slight distance gives us something to strive towards. I realise now that you’re not a colour, you’re all of them, all of it. All of everything. You manage to be all things everywhere.
Something to eat, something to drink, something to write on, something to look at, something to stick it up with, something in case you make a mistake. Love expressed through little handwritten notes.
Always making me question – like my first grown up book. Yes, but what’s it really about? Really. What’s it all about?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. Mix them all together to get the pure, the white, you taught me that too. Or did I teach you that? The lines are blurring these days. Possibly not completely all seeing and knowing, even with the proverbial eyes in the back of the head, but what mother really is?
“They fuck you up, your mum and dad”, but then, like Jon Berger, they encourage you in your ways of seeing. Shape, mould, steer, even manage (maybe one day, god willing).
As a mother myself now, I realise this – as in art, so in motherhood, create something, nurture it, make it whole, round it out. Manners, ethics, manners, literature, manners, humour, sense of self, manners, medieval history and socio economic development from the renaissance to the industrial revolution, manners, all those things we need to learn. And in return? You are our rainbow, all the things we actually do need, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and how to iron a shirt. Properly. Including the sleeves.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet = White.
Thank you for showing me the light. X x x

White Pearl Necklace. Freshwater pearls with mother of pearl. Handmade sterling silver clasp. Approx length 16″.
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