Nutcracker Crown – Avril Earl Dance and Theatre Arts Centre

Nutcracker Crown – Avril Earl Dance and Theatre Arts Centre

Nutcracker Ballet 2022

Snow Queen’s Crown and Sugar Plum Fairy Wands 


Our latest bespoke pieces have left the studio and gone to the stage! This fabulous tiara was made for the Avril Earl Dance and Theatre Arts Centre’s recent fabulous production of the Nutcracker.

We loved it so much that we watched 4 out of the 8 performances.  This particular piece was the Snow Queen’s crown – super sparkly and it looked amazing in action under all the lights. 

Dancer – Lucy Clarke –  Photos used with kind permission.

Watch us Work

We have been creating a range of videos of our creative process on our Youtube channel. Watch the process of making our snow queen crown.

We also produced the wands for the sugar plum fairy. Sparkly ‘dolly mixture’ coloured beads were arranged onto the wands, allowing many of the faceted beads to catch the light from as many angles as possible. They looked absolutely magical under the spotlights.

MacBeth Brooch – Moor Theatre

MacBeth Brooch – Moor Theatre

Macbeth Brooch For Moor Theatre

This leather brooch was created for Moor Theatre’s production of Macbeth which was performed at Trinity Church in December 2021 .

It was created with two earthy colours of leather combined – inspired by  Shakespearian costumes. This brooch is attached with a handmade copper pin adding to the historical feel of the piece.